Jun 18, 2024 12:22 PM
Business DevelopmentSales
Team LeadSales Management
“All sales teams at HelloBetter (Inside Sales, Institutional Sales, Field Sales, Sales Operations) work in a very young vertical. This means that there are new challenges every quarter.”
Hi Marco, thank you for your time today! Could you introduce yourself?
Hi, I'm Marco and I've been part of the HelloBetter team since the beginning of 2022. As Team Lead Sales, I am responsible for the Inside Sales Team and the Institutional Sales Team. Additionally, I often present at clinics about DiGA (Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen), focusing on particular indications. At HelloBetter, my goal is to incorporate digital therapeutics into outpatient and (post)inpatient care. With an academic background in psychology, my journey into the DVG/DiGA vertical started when I exited my psychotherapeutic MVZ and was active in the venture capital scene. These experiences immersed me deeply into the mental health care space.
How did you join HelloBetter?
As the Managing Director of a psychotherapeutic MVZ, I explored ways to care for patients on waiting lists in Germany. We collaborated with several DiGA manufacturers, using their programs to immediately assist many patients during the waiting period. After leaving the MVZ, I transitioned into the healthcare sector with a role in venture capital. My previous collaboration with HelloBetter, along with the insights I gained during my venture capital tenure, led me to my current role at HelloBetter.
What’s your favourite aspect of working at HelloBetter?
A team full of experts who have strong communication skills. HelloBetter therefore has a very secure foundation and can react agilely as an organization.
What’s one thing you’ve learned at HelloBetter that you didn’t expect when you joined?
Initially, I assumed a faster integration of DiGA into the standard care system, but understandably the "4th wave of behavioral therapy" needs time to integrate innovation.
Topic: Remote-first culture - Where do you usually work from?
Alongside my role as Team Lead Sales, I also visit clinics, which requires me to travel throughout Germany for presentations. This role involves having multiple workplaces. However, when I am in my hometown, Hamburg, I maintain a routine of meeting with colleagues in the office. Regardless of location, there's always time for informal interaction within the team, be it remotely or in the office.
You also travel quite a bit! How does your work schedule look like?
In the Institutional Sales team, we travel a lot to inform clinics nationwide about our DiGA and the possibilities offered by the Digital Healthcare Act. Due to travel times, there are working days that start at 05:00 and end in the afternoon or start later and end at 22:00. The situation differs within the Inside Sales team, which typically works from home. Everyone's schedule aligns with the opening hours of doctors and psychotherapists. This means that each team member sets their own individual working hours.
Your team has described you as remarkably calm, if not the epitome of calmness. Is there anything that ever shakes your calm?
That's a lovely compliment, thank you very much! Of course, I also have moments when I am challenged, especially when it comes to tight deadlines or unexpected changes. However, I try to stay calm in such situations and act in a solution-orientated way.
Your team also told me that you can't remember your dreams. Are there any dreams you can recall?
Once, I had a dream where the entire spectrum of psychotherapeutic care – outpatient, station-equivalent, day patient, full inpatient, and post-inpatient – was perfectly secured. It was a dream with several chapters: Firstly, the long waiting times: In my dream, there was a system that ensured fast and efficient care. The appointment service of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians coordinated psychotherapy, not only consultations without the prospect of therapy. Every patient could get an initial appointment within a few days of contact, and the legal requirement to be treated within three months was always met, thanks to an increased number of licensed positions. Secondly, the overburdening of clinics: Thanks to comprehensive reform, the collaboration between outpatient, inpatient-equivalent, day patient, full inpatient, and post-inpatient facilities was optimized. Patients could seamlessly transition from one type of care to another without interruptions or delays. A interprofessional & cross-sectoral care system – what a crazy dream! Thirdly, Digital Therapeutics (DiGA) as part of standard care: Psychological online therapy programs were seamlessly integrated into therapy and provided additional support for patients. They helped bridge waiting times and offered immediate access to therapeutic measures, making the overall care more flexible and effective. – Blended care is the keyword! I'll always remember this dream. ;)
Wow, what a dream! What would you tell someone considering a career in your team, making your dream come true?
All sales teams at HelloBetter (Inside Sales, Institutional Sales, Field Sales, Sales Operations) work in a very young vertical. This means that there are new challenges every quarter. In order to solve these, adaptability and an understanding of our target groups are an advantage.
HelloBetter in three words?
Empathetic. Efficient. Intellectual.
Your favorite Slack Emoji?
What is your favorite slack channel?
#diga_sales_clinics_internal & #diga_inside_sales_internal Here, only my team members are present, allowing for lively and efficient teamwork in the world of remote work.
Your responses suggest that you are quite organized. Do you have any tips?
I work with a project planning technique called timeboxing. A simple method that, with the support of Asana, makes switching between different task categories in different teams efficient.
If you could switch roles with anyone in the HelloBetter team for a day, who would it be and why?
I discovered my love of research during my studies. A day in the research team would make me very happy!
Is it also someone from the research team I should interview next?
Anne Etzelmüller is a clinical psychologist and psychological psychotherapist with a strong background in research methodology. Her research focuses on the evaluation of the effectiveness of digital interventions in routine care and their implementation in various health contexts, e.g. in the context of clinics. In addition, she has been involved in a number of randomized controlled trials evaluating digital interventions in recent years. Anne is a Secret Source for HelloBetter!
Thank you, Marco, for joining us today!
Marco's story provides a glimpse into our team at HelloBetter. We are excited to share more about our team with you. Who knows? You might even consider joining us on this incredible journey!