Coffee with Joanna

Coffee with Joanna

This page is maintained by the 🙌People Team

How can I help?

Our Head of People and Culture, Joanna has opened up her calendar for all employees to reach out to her:

❓ in case you have any questions, concerns and need guidance

💡 brilliant ideas you would like to share or brainstorm on

Joanna is here to support you in your development and offers guidance in case you have any challenges. The meeting can be focused around the topics such as: #learning and development #team management #leadership development #engagement initiatives #mentorship #people policies and processes #diversity, equity, inclusion

Example questions / topics you may have:

  1. I have a brilliant idea about a training session we could introduce at HelloBetter.
  2. I would like to share my skills in xxx tool xxx - I think it will make my colleagues life much easier.
  3. I would like to improve my skills in xxx (i.e. google sheets / giving feedback / project management). Can you suggest what I could do?
  4. I would like to understand what can I do to progress in my role to the next level.
  5. Can you help me in preparing to my annual review?
  6. Can you help me with preparing to conducting an annual review with a member of my team?
  7. I am struggling with communication / task delegation / motivating / engaging my team - can we brainstorm together what can I do?
  8. I have an idea how we could celebrate diversity at HelloBetter.