People Team

People Team

This page is maintained by the 🙌People Team

Welcome to our People Team Space at HelloBetter! One of our main goals is to build a transparent organisation, that's why our team page is publicly available!
Open Positions
No open positions for our team at the moment. Please check our page regularly for new openings, or send us an unsolicited application directly. 😊

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🤗 About us

Every startup says: People First. But do they really?

With this handbook, we open our doors to show you how we interpret this statement and that we try to walk the talk.

We work on enabling teams to be more efficient and innovative by providing a people-first approach. Our main goal is to develop a striving organisation that reaches its very ambitious mission. In order to achieve that we value collaboration, communication and constructive feedback.

The People Team consists of 6 people that focus on Talent Acquisition, People Development, Operations, Administration. The People Team directly reports to Philip, our COO and is part of Operations, People, Finance & Legal team.

💁🏽 How can we help? Your go-to-people in People Team:


Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

Hi, I'm Julia! 👋 With my background in (neuro-)psychology, I was drawn to the amazing mission of HelloBetter. Combined with the modern work culture, it's the best of both worlds for me. ✨

I am supporting HelloBetter in growing our wonderful team and can answer your questions regarding our hiring processes, candidate relations and statistics.

Outside of work, I enjoy various sports and crafts. Currently, I am fixated on running and I want to use my sewing machine more often. 🏃‍♀️ 🧵

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HR Generalist

I studied cultural management & worked for various Berlin start-ups before joining the HelloBetter team in March 2020.

Please don’t hesitate to hit me up if you have any questions regarding: #polices #onboarding #people admin #benefits #office topics #equipment requests #team event ideas …

or if you can give me food recommendations or you are interested in restaurant tips ;-)

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Senior Operations Manager

I have a background in Psychology and Research which drew me to HelloBetter in the first place. What made me stay was not only the great mission but even more the great people working here.

I love to tinker with tools and processes to solve and prevent problems. My goal is to support everyone in the company to work as frictionless as possible.

I’m always open to having a chat and talking about anything that is grinding your gears and you think can be solved or improved.

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Working Student Operations

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Senior People & Culture Manager

Hi, I am Florence 👋 As many other people working at HelloBetter I also have a background in clinical psychology. Due to my background, I was immediately drawn to the amazing mission of HelloBetter right from the start. What kept me committed for the past three years is the nice work culture and the wonderful people working at HelloBetter.

Together with Joanna, our primary focus is to cultivate a strong and engaged team. Together, we strive to ensure that our team is well-equipped to deliver their best selves when assisting our clients.

If you have any questions or ideas you would like to share / discuss regarding: #learning and development #team management #engagement initiatives #mentorship #people policies and processes

feel free to reach out to me 🙂

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Head of People

I bring to HelloBetter Team experience in building strong, engaged teams and supporting colleagues in their own development so that they can be at their best when helping our clients.

If you have any questions or ideas regarding: #learning and development #team management #leadership development #engagement initiatives #mentorship #people policies and processes #diversity, equity, inclusion then I am your go-to-person in People Team.

Reach out to me on slack, or book a Coffee with Joanna.

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What I love about my job at HelloBetter:

a) I am responsible for Operations, People, Finance & Legal - it literally never gets boring, I learn so much and it’s a big challenge.

b) I never worked together with such an intelligent and driven group of people like we do everyday at HelloBetter!

c) I feel honoured that with the work that we invest on daily basis we can actually make a huge difference for our patients. This is a tremendous responsibility but also incredibly rewarding!

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🧠 How We Think & Work

We see ourselves as enablers of the organisation.

We aim to develop processes, guides, and support structures that help each team at HelloBetter reach their personal best. Not only that, but we are transparent about our shortcomings and do not sugar coat them. For example, we publish our company-wide retrospectives on the Our Culture (unfiltered) page, which demonstrates our open approach. We share the good, the bad, and the ugly!

We can naturally improve our employer branding by prioritizing our existing team, being transparent about our operations, and focusing inward. We anticipate experiencing growing pains and are preparing our organisation for scaling before the pain becomes too significant.

🎯 Mission & Objectives


  • People operation processes
  • Organisational development
  • Leadership Development
  • Career mapping
  • Global hiring
  • Feedback frameworks

💪 Dailys

The People team works closely with Operations, Finance, Legal, and Regulatory Affairs. Every Monday, we all meet together to start the week. The rest of the week, the People team has a 15-minute daily meeting.

Monday - 30 min - Weekly Sync Meeting (Ops, Finance, People, Legal, Regulatory Affairs)

Present the purpose, vision, and mission of HelloBetter. Share what these mean to you, why they are important, how they motivate you, or how your daily work aligns with these goals.
Rotating schedule
Report on key performance indicators (KPIs). Highlight total activations, and potentially other KPIs such as Help Desk requests and applications to quantify the work of sub-teams.
Management Update
Provide updates from Leadership/Management. Discuss 1-2 relevant topics, offer insights, and facilitate a Q&A session.
Focus Topic
Present a specific topic relevant to the team. Showcase something you are proud of, require alignment on, need feedback about, or wish to brainstorm. Invite speakers from other teams if applicable. Presentation: 10 min, followed by Q&A: 5 min.
Rotating sub-teams
Share notable feedback from various sources. Choose feedback from patient support, user feedback channels, management/leadership, or other significant interactions from the previous week that reflect our culture.
Philip and/or others

Spotlights 🌟 Get to know the people behind our People team!

✨ Philip ✨ ✨ Philip ✨