Patient Support Team

Patient Support Team

Our team in a nutshell: We support patients before, during, and after their HelloBetter Online-therapy programme, by answering questions, reacting to inquiries, and actively offering assistance.

Mission & Objectives ๐ŸŽฏ

Objectives / Goals

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional support to patients interested in HelloBetter or enrolled in one of our DiGAs / Online-therapy programs. Our primary goals include:

  • Offering a personal and expert-level touchpoint for patients in need of support.
  • Supporting patients throughout their whole journey, from initial inquiry to prescription to program registration, and eventually program completion.

These objectives directly contribute to our company's mission of making evidence-based mental health care universally accessible. In other words, we act as facilitators, making sure patients interested in HelloBetter have a seamless and supportive experience from start to finish.


To meet these objectives, our team takes on a variety of responsibilities that help us provide the highest level of support.

Click on each responsibility to learn more about it:

Psychological counselling
Organisational inquiries
Proactive problem-solving
Technical support
Community management

Examples of Our Work

Click here to discover the average patientโ€™s experience with our team
Click here to discover how real patients have responded to us

How We Think & Work ๐Ÿ’ญ

Our Values

Patience Our patience allows us to approach each patientโ€™s unique situation with calm and understanding. For some, navigating a digital course can be challenging. For others, seeking help in a difficult situation can feel overwhelming. By taking the time to listen and explain everything carefully, we ensure that every patient feels supported and informed.
Empathy Empathy is a core value for our team. It is essential that our patients feel heard and understood. Whether they have specific questions about our courses, encounter technical issues, or seek general advice on where to find help, we are dedicated to supporting each patient with compassion and care. These values equally guide our communication within the team.
Resilience When communicating with our patients, we encounter a wide range of emotions. Our resilience enables us to handle challenging interactions with patience and empathy. Given that our team's workload can be unpredictable, our resilience ensures we maintain high-quality support and a positive attitude, regardless of the circumstances.
Innovation We are constantly striving to optimize our processes and services. By addressing each patientโ€™s requests individually and embracing creative solutions when needed, we ensure that our patients receive personalized and effective support.
Flexibility Flexibility is an essential value in our team. It enables us to quickly adapt to the dynamic conditions of a startup, fosters innovation, and ensures optimal support within our team.

How We Work

Communication With Patients


Our patients, interested parties, and people who need assistance can reach us through the following channels: Our support and consultation hotline, by email, via WhatsApp and live chat. We operate these channels on weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM in alternating shifts.

Since we directly interact with our patients, and most of them are German-speaking, our main operating language as Patient Support is German. This differs from other teams at HelloBetter, as the company-wide communication happens in English.

Communication within the Team

We continuously grow as a team - and along with us, the topics and projects we manage. Our meeting structure allows us to have an overview of our projects while also diving deeper into individual topics in smaller groups.

1x per week
60 min

work-related topics & personal mood report

2x per week
30-45 min

work-related topics


topics regarding the respective project (e.g., Active Patient Guidance, Conversion Calls, โ€ฆ.)

1x per month
30-45 min

personal development

1x per quarter
2 days

team development and/or focus topic (e.g., workshop on systemic therapy)

In addition to our meetings, we stay in close contact via Slack. It is very important to us to be there for each other, to support other team members, and to work together continuously in a remote working environment. We can confidently say that we fully embrace this value.
In addition to exchanging information with one another, documenting our knowledge and processes is a crucial part of our work. We use Confluence to document our various projects and workflows, ensuring that everyone in the team, including new employees, has the same level of understanding.

Tools We Use


Who Are We? ๐Ÿ˜Žย 

Now that you have learned about our type of work, it is time for you to get to know the current members of Patient Support!

This Is Us

Currently, our team consists of 14 members.


Here are some facts about us:

Which psychological aspects were the main focus of our team membersโ€™ education?
Which topics did our members write their theses about?
What should not be missing during our working hours.
Hereโ€™s a glimpse of what we enjoy doing in our free time.
Our favorite games

Our Workplaces

We embrace HelloBetterโ€™s โ€œRemote Firstโ€-culture. Our team members work from all over Germany - and beyond! Check out the map below:

Open Positions in our Patient Support Team


No open positions for our team at the moment. Please check our page regularly for new openings, or send us anย unsolicited applicationย directly. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Spotlights ๐ŸŒŸ Get to know the people behind our Patient Support Team!

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