
Therapeutic Services Team

This page is maintained by the 🤲🏽Therapeutic Services Team

Welcome to our Therapeutic Services Team Space at HelloBetter! Here, you get to know more about our psychologists and psychotherapists who are at our clients’ side every day.
Open Positions
No open positions for our team at the moment. Please check our page regularly for new openings, or send us an unsolicited application directly. 😊

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🤗 About us

Meet our team here

🧠 How We Think & Work

We keep in mind that - above all - the people we guide through the courses are individuals facing mental health challenges.

Get to know our psychologists and psychotherapists



Psychologin (M.Sc., Ph.D.) und VP Patient Relations

How did you come to HB?
Mental health for me means …
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologin (M.Sc.) und Team Lead Therapeutical Services

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
Mental health for me means …
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin im Team

How did you come to HB?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
Your best HB moment so far?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin und Supervisorin im Team

How did you come to HB?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
Your best HB moment so far?


Psychologischer Psychotherapeut

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
Mental health for me means…
My funniest moment on the Services team?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What do you particularly like or what fascinates you in your work as an online coach?
Mental health for me means…
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

Why did you decide to work in an online health program StartUp?
What is important to you in your work as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

How did you come to HB?
What is important to you in your work as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What is it like for you to work as a psychologist in the context of StartUp or online health?
What is important to you in your work as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologische Psychotherapeutin

What is it like for you to work as a psychologist in the context of StartUp or online health?
What is important to you in your work as a psychologist?
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologische Psychotherapeutin

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
What is important to you in your work as a psychologist?
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
What is HB for you in three words?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What are the opportunities of online health programs?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

What do you particularly like or what fascinates you in your work as an online coach?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?


Psychologin in Ausbildung zur Psychologischen Psychotherapeutin

How did you come to HB?
What attitude is important to you as a psychologist?
What is your personal mental health life hack?

Spotlights 🌟 Get to know the people behind our Services Team!

✨  Julia ✨ ✨ Julia ✨

✨ Kaja ✨✨ Kaja ✨