About us

About us

This page is maintained by the people team

130+ people on the mission to help millions learn how to feel better.

Since early 2019, our HelloBetter team has grown from half a dozen to 130+ team members in Juni 2023. Together we are setting a quality benchmark in the digital mental health sector by combining

  • leading researchers,
  • psychotherapists and psychologists,
  • with experts in Engineering, Product, Business Development, Services and Marketing

to develop the most effective, evidence-based digital mental health products in the market.

Our team is from all over the world including Australia, Brazil, Egypt, France, Ireland, India, Russia, and Germany.

Learn more about the history of HelloBetter.
Learn more about our 💫Mission & Vision and 📱Our Product.

Our History

We came a long way! The history of our company can be described in three chapters:

Scientific Research Projects 2011-2015

Professor Dr. David D. Ebert and his team launched a large research project at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany) in 2011. Over the course of several years, the team developed their first products and initiated various randomized controlled trials to test the efficacy of their digital mental health solutions.

The results were overwhelmingly positive, leading the team to incorporate these solutions as a standard of care.

Founding of the GET.ON Institute 2015-2019

In 2015, the team co-founded the GET.ON Institut für Online Gesundheitstrainings GmbH to make our products available within the German healthcare system. Despite being a bootstrapped company with a small team of psychologists, we have been profitable since 2015. We have been fortunate to work with incredible customers, such as BARMER, since the company's foundation. Over the years, we have observed the industry increasingly adopting digital solutions.

GET.ON becomes HelloBetter 2019-now

In 2019, we noticed a shift within the market. Both customers and clients were increasingly interested in digital solutions. Investors were also pouring more venture capital into Digital Health, and the German Digital Health startup scene was maturing rapidly. Additionally, policies were changing: in 2019, the Digital Care Act was introduced in Germany, creating the single largest market for Digital Therapeutics globally. In this context, we decided to leverage our extensive market experience and portfolio to scale our company further. We established the HelloBetter brand and welcomed our first investors into the company.

Learn more about our 💸Investors & Funding
In March 2023, we announced the extension of our Series A bringing our total funding to 20M €.


The HelloBetter Leadership team consists of eight experienced executives with backgrounds in digital mental health and startups. Together, they have over 80 years of combined experience in this field.

Prof. Dr. David Ebert

Co-founder, Chief Scientific Officer & Managing Director


Prof. Dr. David Daniel Ebert received his doctorate in psychology summa cum laude from Philipps Universität Marburg in 2013. He completed his German habilitation at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, where he currently heads the Department of Digital Health. He is also the president of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), and has published over 160 scientific articles and written more than 20 book chapters. At HelloBetter, David is responsible for scientific quality assurance.

Dr. Hanne Horvath

Co-founder & Chief Commercial Officer

Dr. Hanne Horvath earned her doctorate in psychology in 2016 as part of the GET.ON research project at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. She was awarded the Wilhelm Exner Prize for Psychology for her work. At HelloBetter, Hanne is responsible for business development and services, as well as expanding partnerships with health insurance providers and organiing psychologist support for course participants. She received her diploma in psychology from Universität Trier.


Dr. Elena Heber

Co-founder & Chief Clinical Officer


Dr. Elena Heber completed her doctorate in psychology in 2016 as part of the GET.ON research project at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, where she was awarded a prize for excellence. Elena is responsible for developing and evaluating our digital health products, and she heads our content and research department. She received her Diploma in Psychology from Universität Konstanz and was a research fellow at the University of Southampton.

Hannes Klöpper

Co-founder, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director

Hannes Klöpper is responsible for overall strategy and investor relations. He was previously the co-founder and CEO of the start-up iversity (now part of Springer Nature), an online platform specializing in higher education, and co-author of the book "The University in the 21st Century". He studied International Relations at Technische Universität Dresden, Liberal Arts at the European College of Liberal Arts, and Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin and Columbia University in New York.


Philip Ihde

Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer & Managing Director


Philip is responsible for finance, HR, and regulatory and legal affairs. Previously, he was Head of Finance and Operations at Media4Care GmbH, a Munich-based tech start-up that developed a tablet solution for dementia patients. Prior to that, he worked for BMW in Beijing and New York. He then took over management at ROCK YOUR LIFE! GmbH, a nationwide mentoring network. Philip studied Technology Management at Technische Universität München.

Saman Hashemian

Chief Marketing Officer

Saman is responsible for marketing and patient growth at HelloBetter. He has over 12 years of experience supporting the growth of various startups, including Delivery Hero, Babbel, and 8fit. Most recently, he set up his own healthcare startup in the field of holistic care for people with chronic diseases. Saman believes that digital technology is a necessary support for medicine. He earned his Masters in International Management from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) and Stockholm School of Economics (SSE).


Amit Gupta

Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer


Amit is responsible for technical product development and infrastructure at HelloBetter. Before joining the team, he served as the Director of Engineering at Curo Healthcare Technologies Pvt. Ltd, which provides a solution to help diabetes patients manage their treatment plans. Prior to that, he worked as a senior engineer at Quovantis Technologies. Amit holds a degree in Engineering and Information Technology from Maharshi Dayanand University.

Pierre Cantegril

Co-founder & Chief Product Officer

Pierre is responsible for product concept and design at HelloBetter. Previously, he was Head of Product at 8fit, a leading fitness app startup, where he also oversaw these topics. Prior to that, he served as CPO and then Managing Director of MONOQI's B2B business unit. Pierre studied Management at the LSE and HEC.
